
the meeting for the study group of Video Art
guest: Chris Meigh-Andrews

the meeting for the study group of Video Art -vol.13

12 Oct. (mon.) 17:00-19:30
Venue:co-lab Shibuya 2F meeting room3 (Udagawacho 42-6, Shibuyaku, Tokyo) http://www.vctokyo.org/en/2012/01/vctokyo-office.html

(front door is locked, please call me with number below, if you’re later to come.)

Theme:"The emergence of early artists' video in Europe & the USA and its’ relationship to broadcast TV"

For researching and study meeting of video art, this time we will invite Chris Meigh-Andrews, a media artist and a researcher from England. Meigh-Andrews introduces British video art history and also his own activities, based on his book, A History of Video Art(published by Sangensha, 2013).

(capacity of room is 20 people, and for references/hand outs, please tell us your presence before the day. )

Guest panelist: Chris Meigh-Andrews (Emeritus Professor of Electronic & Digital Art at the University of Central Lancashire, Visiting Professor at the Centre for Moving Image Research in the Faculty of Arts)

(publishing information in Japanese)

contact: Kentaro Taki Videoart Center Tokyo
c/o Co-lab Shibuya, Udagawacho 42-6, Shibuyaku, Tokyo
Japanese information in JASIAS is here



お茶の水アート・プロジェクション “Tea Corner”
開催場所:お茶の水茗渓通り商店街 瀬川ビルディング東側壁面    
             (一階は丸善書店、JRお茶の水駅 聖橋口よりすぐ)
時間:夕方日没後 (17:30~20:30予定)※小雨決行
企画運営:第12回お茶の水アートピクニック実行委員会<、a href="http://www.art-society.com/" target="_blank">NPO法人アート&ソサイエティ研究センター
企画問合せ: 特定非営利活動法人アート&ソサイエティ研究センター Email: info@art-society.com


Dedicate to NJP, video synthesizer and dance performance@TTM

Analogue video performance with 2 Replicas of Paik-Abe Video Synthesizer (1972) with 'prepared' vinyl record and Korean dance for dedication for Nam June Paik(1932-2006). It is also a tribute of one scene from Paik’ s Global Groove(1974) with traditional Korean dance manipulated by video synthesizer. This time, 2 video synthesizers;one is owned in Korean and the other one is in Japan, are got together and collaborated as showing us possibilities of cultural exchange on art of media technology.